Referral Program

The greatest compliment is a referral

We find that our best clients are those that are referred to us by people who are already familiar with us and our services. In an effort to find more clients that are a good fit, we’ve created a client referral program.A strong referral will typically have these characteristicsAt least 10 employees
Looking to outsource IT, or change providers
Referral contact is an executive or can set up a meeting with their company’s leadership
If your referral doesn’t fit all of the above criteria that is okay, please still submit the form below and we can see if we can help them, or at the very least point them in the direction of someone who can.
If you refer a business that ends up becoming an IT managed services client, we will send you a $250 gift card.

New Client Referral Form

I would like to refer…

NerdsToGo is a one-stop IT Solution for Business & Home

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Thank you!

Thank you for your referral, we will contact them as soon as possible.